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wool scarves

Dyeing Merino Wool Scarves With Cochineal

Apr 3, 2022

Dyeing Merino Wool Scarves With Cochineal

Natural dyeing is complicated and time consuming but the outcome is so worth it. This week I've been dyeing Merino wool scarves with cochineal.
Connected to Colour: Orange

Nov 15, 2020

Connected to Colour: Orange

Nature is a refuge where we connect with our essence and open our senses, seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling more vibrantly. And we revel in the stunning colours of nature - greens, yellows, blues, reds, pinks, and, yes, the colour orange.
Wool: The Warmest of Fibre

Sep 23, 2019

Wool: The Warmest of Fibre

I have always loved wool. And if you are as crazy about wool as I am, here are a few interesting things to know about it.
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